Dr. Shakshuka - a fun tourist trap

I was in the mood for some good inexpensive food and wanted to get out of my town a bit - Dr. Shakshuka in Jaffa seemed to fit the bill. The experience lived up to its billing. Dr. Shakshuka consists of a closed room with a series of long tables and an open patio on the side.  The decor is Middle Eastern kitsch and the cuisine is Libyan fare.  When we entered the place was hopping with tourists.  It had a very chaotic laid-back feel. We opted for the tasting menu for 85 shekels a person.  The meal opened with traditional Libyan salads, followed by shakshuka and Moroccan fish.   Then, the main fare was brought out - various meat stews and couscous.  The food was plentiful and while not outstanding, it was good.  All in an inexpensive fun night - and a great place to bring visitors!

Dr. Shakshuka - 3 Beit Eshel Street Jaffa - 03-518-6560
